Common fig
Plant material and collections
Fig germplasm bank
This is a live plant bank (ex situ) situated in one of the experimental plots of CICYTEX’s Finca La Orden. It has 250 different accessions, out of which over 80% are varieties prospected at the various Spanish Autonomic Regions. This bank contains representations of the majority of the varieties grown in Spain, and its purpose is the preservation, maintenance and documentation of the plant genetic resources of this species. The core collection that includes the varieties representing the broadest genetic diversity of this germplasm bank has also been determined. From each of the varieties of the collection, studies have been carried out from morphologic and molecular points of view and interesting aspects are being analysed for their use as fresh or dry products.
Fig varieties collection
Situated in Casas del Castañar (Cáceres), it includes 20 interesting varieties for fresh and dry production. These are being studied in order to determine their agronomic and qualitative behaviour under the growing conditions in the North of the Caceres province.