Plant material and collections
Collection of oomycetes and phytopathogenic fungi isolates
The collection comprises over 200 oomycetes and phytopathogenic fungi isolates of different genera (Fusarium, Phytophthora, Cryphonectria, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotium; Botryosphaeriaceae and Dyatripaceae families: Phaeoacremonium, Diaporthe, Eutypa and Phaeomoniella genera; "Cylindrocarpon" complex; and basidiomycetes of the Fomitiporia spp. type) from different plant species and geographical locations in Extremadura, and even isolates from other Autonomous Communities. These isolates are characterised taxonomically by species and most also pathogenically (including parasite specificities and determinations of specialised forms). Some have been studied more closely, and their thermal preferences, resistance/susceptibilities to fungicides and other control products are also known.