Cherry tree
Plant material and collections
Collection of 100 commercial varieties
This collection is kept on CICYTEX’s main testing land for sweet cherry studies in the north of the Caceres province, in the Cabrero municipality. The main objective is to determine the agronomic and quality behaviour of the crops under the growing conditions provided at the north of the Caceres province and help recommend these as interesting varieties based on the needs of the fruit farmers.
Germplasm bank of autochthonous varieties from Valle del Jerte
This collection includes 45 accessions of sweet cherry (Prunus avium) and sour cherry (Prunus cerasus), the objective of which is the preservation, documentation and characterisation of these plant genetic resources. Generally speaking, these varieties have interesting features that make them suitable to be included in Genetic Improvement Programs. Given the scarce commercial value of some of them, they are only kept in this germplasm bank.