Apricot tree
Plant material and collections
Collection of apricot tree varieties
Since 2019 we have been working with a collection of varieties of the apricot tree from two improvement programs established in one of the main apricot tree production areas in Spain, i.e. CEBAS and the fruit improvement program of PSB Producción Vegetal in Murcia. The collection is kept in the Farm Research Institute Finca La Orden-Valdesequera and was initiated using 25 different varieties, comprising a wide variety of ripping dates. Several parameters are the object of study of this collection, including: the assessment of adaptability as a crop in our Autonomous Community, phenology (blossoming and ripening times), pollination requirements (it includes the analysis of incompatibility alleles and compatibility amongst varieties through guided pollination), variety features, as well as production and the physico-chemical features of the fruit.